Recycle salt slags, fill up salt flux storage, dispose of filter dust: If you can do all that with just one call, you are probably already our customer. Or you should be one. Why? Because only REKS offers all of these services from one source. Our high-grade salt flux Montanal® and Alasal® are excellently suited with their low moisture and the accurately determined smelting point for the production of secondary aluminum. Large amounts are available at any time.

We think in correlations






Aluminiumgranulat Salzschlacken-Recycling Entsorgung Filterstäube Schmelzsalze REKAL-Anlage Kaliwerk Sekundäraluminium-Schmelzwerk Untertage-Deponie Ammoniumsulfat Kalium-Chlorid Aluminiumoxid

REKAL® plant

Potash works

Underground landfill site

Secondary aluminum smelting plant

Düngemittelhersteller Halden-Rekultivierung

Fertiliser manufacturer

Recultivation of tailings piles

Aluminum oxide (substrate)
Granulation solution

Ammonium sulphate

Potassium chloride

The REKAL® plant of K+S is situated in Sigmundshall, the raw materials of salt flux are extracted in Zielitz. Right next door the potash tailings pile will be vegetated with a granulate made from your salt slag.

Supply of salt flux, recycling of secondary aluminum scrap and disposal of waste residues: With us, you will get all services from one source and benefit additionally from these advantages:

  • A contact for all services
  • Considerable recycling capacities and salt flux amounts
  • Safe and appropriate recovery and disposal of filter and mill dust in the underground landfill sites of K+S
  • Maximum recycling rate thanks to the open circuit and regular buyers for slag components
  • Especially high salt flux quality
  • Simplified transport and handling also at an international level by avoiding empty journeys with combined acceptance and delivery

Montanal® + Alasal® – our salt flux

Efficient aluminum recycling requires the driest and salt flux possible with an ideal smelting point. We offer it in large amounts – mined in the potash works of K+S.

sauberes und trockenes Schmelzsalz

REKS offers you high-grade salt flux for the secondary aluminum industry. Montanal® and Alasal® boast a low residual moisture of below one per cent and an exactly definable smelting behaviour. This means you achieve maximum yield. We obtain salt flux basic materials from the potash works and from the REKAL® plant of K+S. This makes large amounts available at any time and for decades too. Naturally, we are also your competent contact partner for special mixtures. If the salt needs to meet special requirements, we will be glad to produce individual salt mixtures.

Montanal® Alasal®
Composition mixture of NaCl, KCl and CaF2 mixture of NaCl and KCl
Delivery mode Loose as bulk material Loose as bulk material

Safety Data Sheet

REKAL-Product Montanal®

Salt slag recycling

REKS thinks through salt slag recycling that means: We recover the entire salt slag, which is accrued in the secondary aluminum industry, and prepare it for reuse. And without leaving residue.


In the REKAL® plant developed by K+S the reusable aluminum is extracted from the slag. And that is not all. We prepare the separated substances potassium chloride, aluminum oxide and ammonium sulphate for further use.

  • In the potash plants of the K+S Group first-class salt flux and high-grade fertiliser is made from potassium chloride.
  • Ammonium sulphate is also turned into fertiliser.
  • From aluminum oxide, a substrate for the greening of the Sigmundshall potash tailings pile according to a patented method.

Aluminum granulate

Also the aluminum contained in the salt slag we claim in the REKAL® plant. The aluminum granulate that is produced has a purity level of around 70 percent. The use saves energy in the production process and is thus a reasonable alternative to the production of primary aluminum.


Delivery mode and billing

Salt slag, salt flux and aluminum granulate can be transported loosely as bulk material; cleaning of the lorry is not necessary. Many of the lorries take the salt flux and aluminum granulate back on the return journey, meaning fewer empty runs.

Our contractual customers receive a sample smelting, based on which they can determine the exact aluminum content of the granulate. This is deemed a calculation base. In individual deliveries arranged at short notice, we negotiate a fixed price with our customers.

Our aluminum granulate has a purity level of around


Safe filter dust disposal

The recycling of aluminum is resource saving and efficient. The filter dust, that is produced during the smelting process lands underground. Depending on the composition, in the underground recover or the underground landfill site.

Naturally, we also take on the dust produced in the secondary aluminum industry as experts in the safe recovery and disposal of waste. If you wish, this can include packing and transport.

Also residues from exhaust air filtering can usually be used in underground recovery. Should this not be possible, there is still the option of disposing of the hazardous dust safely in our underground landfill sites and isolating them from the biosphere long-term.

“The recycling of salt slags, the supply of salt flux, the disposal of filter dust. In which area can we support you?”

Veit Wehmeier | Head of REKAL

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