REKS GmbH & Co. KG
Am Fallhammer 1
40221 Düsseldorf

+49 561 47528 – 0

Deutsche Bank AG (EUR)
IBAN: DE71 5207 0012 0042 1057 00
Value added tax identification number: DE335168554

Company headquarters: Dusseldorf
Register court: Dusseldorf (HRA 26845)
Personally liable partner: REKS Verwaltungs GmbH
Managing director: Holger Seifart, Torsten Zuber
Company headquarters: Dusseldorf
Register court: Dusseldorf (HRB 95974)

Image credits

The photo material on the following pages comes from REKS GmbH & Co. KG, K+S Aktiengesellschaft, REMEX GmbH, K+S Baustoffrecycling GmbH and Adobe Stock. For further information please contact:

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